Sunday, July 4, 2010

Day 1 (4th of July) Kuala Muda DHO

We arrived at Pejabat Kesihatan Daerah Kuala Muda at 830am, and was invited into the meeting room.

Had a short briefing by Mr. Chong, the Penolong Ketua Pegawai Perubatan (I think) on the overview of healthcare in Kuala Muda district (Pusat Kesihatan Daerah, PKD Kuala Muda), and also the mission and vision of Ministry of Health Malaysia (Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia, KKM). I will try to attach the powerpoint files if i find the way to :)

The organizational chart of PKD Kuala Muda.

The various districts in Kedah

Received our schedule for the 2 weeks

Had another short lecture by Matron Shadah in the afternoon about Maternal and Chile Health.
(Powerpoint to be attached later)

Next we went to the LPPKN (Lembaga Penduduk dan Pembangunan Keluarga Negara) which is situated right next to the Kuala Muda DHO.

This institute is in charge of family planning which teaches couples about contraceptive methods and spacing between children as a step of proper family planning.

We have learnt about the overview of healthcare system and services in Kuala Muda and the various health clinics (Klinik Kesihatan, KK) in this district which is a 2 tier based system.

I will update the details of our taklimat from time to time.


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  2. Dear Students,
    Good start to the web postings and the interaction. Keep up the blog posts. To improve interaction with faculty and between groups by live discussion we will try to use the programme DimDim. Please log into the the website and register at

    my URL is

    This will work provided you have a webcam and a high speed internet connection.
    Lets give it a try.
    Prof. Narayan

  3. My dimdim account :
